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WHY? Because I am a big fan of human beings and I have high hopes for every person. I believe everyone is brilliant in their own way.  And, I believe everyone - regardless of context, station, or status - is a big bundle of human possibility.  Too often, I'm afraid, that potential is pent-up.  It's just below the surface - struggling to be freed.  I wrote Life is Whacked: (Un-Whack It) to help unleash human possibility and potential.  I wrote it to help liberate us all.


WHY NOW? Because COVID-19 stopped us in our tracks - temporarily. Right now, it seems we are more thoughtful and self-reflective than at any other time in recent memory.  We are collectively troubled and discontent.  We are becoming more keenly aware of what is important, and what is not. We are becoming more keenly aware of ourselves.  We are becoming more keenly aware of our neighbors - both the ones we know and the ones we've never met.  Right now, we are learning some things.  Clarity is emerging.  Change is in the air.   


WHAT ELSE?  I cannot separate my person-hood from my faith. As a practice, I begin each day with a simple, straightforward prayer.  "Lord, what today?  For whom?  And, what might that look like?"  I do my best to listen, feel, discern and act on the things toward which I feel compelled.  Life is Whacked: (Un-Whack It) is one of those things.




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